Hi Phil,
I created a simple MDI project in VS2003 and tried to reproduce your issue,
however I could not reproduce your issue at my side. I used the default
menu loaded by main frame, associated the ID_FILE_NEW to the
OnUpdateFileNew event handler. However I found that it was always invoked.
The handler will not be invoked when I deleted the menu items (New) and the
tool bar button (New). Then I added a tool bar button and named it
ID_FILE_NEW. When I clicked it, the OnUpdateFileNew event was invoked
again and again.
I think that this should not be a difficult issue, however if we could not
reproduce your issue, it is hard for us to go further.
Could you please mail me (***@microsoft.com) your project so that I
can perform further research?
If it is not convenient for you to send your project via internet, I would
like to provide a senior support channel for you. Please contact Microsoft
Customer Support Services (CSS) via telephone so that a dedicated Support
Professional can assist you recover the server in a more efficient manner.
Please be advised that contacting phone support will be a charged call.
To obtain the phone numbers for specific technology request please take a
look at the web site listed below.
If you are outside the US please see http://support.microsoft.com for
regional support phone numbers.
Sincerely yours,
Charles Wang
Microsoft Online Community Support
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