2006-06-12 12:28:21 UTC
In dialog box application, i create a html class on dialog and load a html
When program execute the image doesn't completely covered dialog. On edges
of dialog some space is left. and a vertical scroll bar(initially in disable
state) is added to dialog.
I am doing like this
class myhtml:public CHtmlView{
In OnCreate function of dialog class, i create a html class object .
In dialog.h
myhtml *obj;
in dialog.cpp
CRect rect;
obj=new myhtml;
and in myhtml class i load a html page.
HTML page doesn't cover dialog box completely while size of htmlpage and
dialog are same.
Can somone tell how htmlpage will cover whole dialog and there should be no
vertical scroll bar.
In dialog box application, i create a html class on dialog and load a html
When program execute the image doesn't completely covered dialog. On edges
of dialog some space is left. and a vertical scroll bar(initially in disable
state) is added to dialog.
I am doing like this
class myhtml:public CHtmlView{
In OnCreate function of dialog class, i create a html class object .
In dialog.h
myhtml *obj;
in dialog.cpp
CRect rect;
obj=new myhtml;
and in myhtml class i load a html page.
HTML page doesn't cover dialog box completely while size of htmlpage and
dialog are same.
Can somone tell how htmlpage will cover whole dialog and there should be no
vertical scroll bar.