2007-01-05 11:15:12 UTC
I want my text written in CRichEditCtrl to output as plain text, and I
did this:
//in View:
void CLEView::OnFormatConvert()
CRichEditCtrl *pCtrl = &this->GetRichEditCtrl();
this->GetDocument()->m_text = pCtrl->GetSelText();
//in Document:
void CLispEditorDoc::Serialize(CArchive& ar)
if (ar.IsStoring())
ar<<m_text;// TODO: add storing code here
ar>>m_text;// TODO: add loading code here
But it turns out to be a complex text with lengthy ugly characters and
the useful part only exists in the rear of the file, why?
Thanks in advance!
did this:
//in View:
void CLEView::OnFormatConvert()
CRichEditCtrl *pCtrl = &this->GetRichEditCtrl();
this->GetDocument()->m_text = pCtrl->GetSelText();
//in Document:
void CLispEditorDoc::Serialize(CArchive& ar)
if (ar.IsStoring())
ar<<m_text;// TODO: add storing code here
ar>>m_text;// TODO: add loading code here
But it turns out to be a complex text with lengthy ugly characters and
the useful part only exists in the rear of the file, why?
Thanks in advance!