Are there any solution or work-around to this CToolBar bug?
(too old to reply)
Mohamed Abdel-Monem
2006-08-20 09:21:12 UTC
Adding buttons in runtime to a CToolBar when it is docked to the right or to
the left results in a weird phenomenon, the last button in the tool bar is
not displayed until the mouse pointer moves over it for the first time.
I found some others suffering from the same problem but they included a
complicated scenario to reproduce the bug. I played with my code to give the
minimal code to reproduce than problem.

In the command handler of CMainFrame of a newly generated SDI application,
add the following code:

void CMainFrame::OnBlaBlaBla()
CToolBarCtrl& tbc = m_wndToolBar.GetToolBarCtrl();

// Delete existing tool bar buttons
for (int i = tbc.GetButtonCount() - 1; i >= 0 ; i--)

// Deleting the tool bar images inside the image list
CImageList * il = tbc.GetImageList();
ImageList_RemoveAll (il->m_hImageList);
tbc.SetImageList (il);

// Adding the 3 buttons
TBBUTTON button[3];
int sz = sizeof (button);
ZeroMemory (&button, sz);
button[0].idCommand = ID_FILE_NEW;
button[0].iBitmap = tbc.GetImageList()->Add (AfxGetApp()->LoadIcon
button[1].idCommand = ID_FILE_NEW;
button[1].iBitmap = tbc.GetImageList()->Add (AfxGetApp()->LoadIcon
button[2].idCommand = ID_FILE_NEW;
button[2].iBitmap = tbc.GetImageList()->Add (AfxGetApp()->LoadIcon
tbc.AddButtons(3, button);

Run the application then drag the toolbar to dock it to the left. Now fire
the command to execute the previous function, you will see only two buttons
instead of 3. Then move the mouse pointer below the second button, the third
button appears!!!
This behavior happens if we dock the tool bar to the left or to the right.

I tried playing with all flags including CBRS_LEFT and tool tip flags and
others. I also tried playing with SetSizes of the CToolBar and the
underlying CToolBarCtrl. Nothing helps.

Any has a solution?

Ajay Kalra
2006-08-21 18:12:00 UTC
I have done a lot toolbar management but I had not heard of this but
again I never deleted all buttons. If invalidating it does not work,
try calling RecalcLayout and see if that has any impact.

Post by Mohamed Abdel-Monem
Adding buttons in runtime to a CToolBar when it is docked to the right or to
the left results in a weird phenomenon, the last button in the tool bar is
not displayed until the mouse pointer moves over it for the first time.
I found some others suffering from the same problem but they included a
complicated scenario to reproduce the bug. I played with my code to give the
minimal code to reproduce than problem.
In the command handler of CMainFrame of a newly generated SDI application,
void CMainFrame::OnBlaBlaBla()
CToolBarCtrl& tbc = m_wndToolBar.GetToolBarCtrl();
// Delete existing tool bar buttons
for (int i = tbc.GetButtonCount() - 1; i >= 0 ; i--)
// Deleting the tool bar images inside the image list
CImageList * il = tbc.GetImageList();
ImageList_RemoveAll (il->m_hImageList);
tbc.SetImageList (il);
// Adding the 3 buttons
TBBUTTON button[3];
int sz = sizeof (button);
ZeroMemory (&button, sz);
button[0].idCommand = ID_FILE_NEW;
button[0].iBitmap = tbc.GetImageList()->Add (AfxGetApp()->LoadIcon
button[1].idCommand = ID_FILE_NEW;
button[1].iBitmap = tbc.GetImageList()->Add (AfxGetApp()->LoadIcon
button[2].idCommand = ID_FILE_NEW;
button[2].iBitmap = tbc.GetImageList()->Add (AfxGetApp()->LoadIcon
tbc.AddButtons(3, button);
Run the application then drag the toolbar to dock it to the left. Now fire
the command to execute the previous function, you will see only two buttons
instead of 3. Then move the mouse pointer below the second button, the third
button appears!!!
This behavior happens if we dock the tool bar to the left or to the right.
I tried playing with all flags including CBRS_LEFT and tool tip flags and
others. I also tried playing with SetSizes of the CToolBar and the
underlying CToolBarCtrl. Nothing helps.
Any has a solution?
2006-08-21 18:32:36 UTC
On Sun, 20 Aug 2006 12:21:12 +0300, "Mohamed Abdel-Monem"
Post by Mohamed Abdel-Monem
Adding buttons in runtime to a CToolBar when it is docked to the right or to
the left results in a weird phenomenon, the last button in the tool bar is
not displayed until the mouse pointer moves over it for the first time.
At the end of your code adding buttons put OnIdle(0);
Steve Wolstenholme Neural Planner Software

EasyNN-plus. The easy way to build neural networks.
2006-08-22 13:43:15 UTC
It works !!

Do you have any explanation to this?
Post by s***@tropheus.demon.co.uk
On Sun, 20 Aug 2006 12:21:12 +0300, "Mohamed Abdel-Monem"
Post by Mohamed Abdel-Monem
Adding buttons in runtime to a CToolBar when it is docked to the right or to
the left results in a weird phenomenon, the last button in the tool bar is
not displayed until the mouse pointer moves over it for the first time.
At the end of your code adding buttons put OnIdle(0);
Steve Wolstenholme Neural Planner Software
EasyNN-plus. The easy way to build neural networks.
Ajay Kalra
2006-08-22 13:59:02 UTC
Post by Monem
It works !!
Do you have any explanation to this?
I dont think its related to it but see if it helps (2nd question):


I think RecalcLayout may also work.

2006-08-22 14:25:48 UTC
No, the approach of RecalcLayout does not work.
Post by Ajay Kalra
Post by Monem
It works !!
Do you have any explanation to this?
I think RecalcLayout may also work.
2006-08-22 15:31:01 UTC
On Tue, 22 Aug 2006 16:43:15 +0300, "Monem" <mmonem_at_gmail_com>
Post by Monem
It works !!
Do you have any explanation to this?
Post by s***@tropheus.demon.co.uk
On Sun, 20 Aug 2006 12:21:12 +0300, "Mohamed Abdel-Monem"
Post by Mohamed Abdel-Monem
Adding buttons in runtime to a CToolBar when it is docked to the right or to
the left results in a weird phenomenon, the last button in the tool bar is
not displayed until the mouse pointer moves over it for the first time.
At the end of your code adding buttons put OnIdle(0);
The first run of one of my applications modifies its toolbars as the
user steps through a demo. OnIdle(0) flags the main loop as inactive
while the users demo loop runs.
Steve Wolstenholme Neural Planner Software

EasyNN-plus. The easy way to build neural networks.