2006-05-14 01:35:42 UTC
Hi, I have created a text file viewer based on VC++ 5 mfc app wizard,
using a multiple document interface.
The normal behaviour I get when I run it is as follows:
Initially there is an application-wide menu allowing the user to open a
Then when a file has been opened, a new document specific menu is
loaded instead allowing the user to alter the display options for that
particular document.
This works fine on every PC I have tested it on.
However, I have had a report from a user that they only see the
application wide menu, and never see the document specific menu. Hence
they can load the file but cannot change the display options.
Is there anything that could stop this menu from loading in some cases?
The program is linked with static libraries and the binary is available
here: http://www.leehanken.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/atari/ATASCIIView.zip
I am using the default menu swapping behaviour (i.e. I have not
overridden the virtual function LoadFrame).
using a multiple document interface.
The normal behaviour I get when I run it is as follows:
Initially there is an application-wide menu allowing the user to open a
Then when a file has been opened, a new document specific menu is
loaded instead allowing the user to alter the display options for that
particular document.
This works fine on every PC I have tested it on.
However, I have had a report from a user that they only see the
application wide menu, and never see the document specific menu. Hence
they can load the file but cannot change the display options.
Is there anything that could stop this menu from loading in some cases?
The program is linked with static libraries and the binary is available
here: http://www.leehanken.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/atari/ATASCIIView.zip
I am using the default menu swapping behaviour (i.e. I have not
overridden the virtual function LoadFrame).